After a breakfast at school and meeting the principal of our partner school, we headed to Königsplatz, a historical site with museums but also tainted by the Nazi-past. Then we visited the Lenbachhaus, a museum for the Munich artist group "Der Blaue Reiter". Lastly, our partners joined us for fun at the Octoberfest. Gaudi!
Another glorious day in sunny Munich with the city filled with visitors and locals in Lederhosen and Dirndl, the traditional garb of Bavaria. At no other time in the year can one see so much folklore and joy. Our students learned about the history of Munich and its historic landmarks, explored the 210-year-old "Viktualienmarkt" with specialties from the region, and ate lunch at the world-famous Hofbräuhaus with live music eating Bratwurst and Sauerkraut like the locals! Grüß Gott! Today, we left for Munich "excited and a bit nervous" (quote from a student :) and arrived with happy faces matching the beautiful sunshine in the city. We were greeted by our partners and their families in Oberhaching. |
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October 2019